Here is a cool interview with Justin Maurer. He talks about his new book Seventeen Television, The Clorox Girls, and living in L.A. There’s even brief mention of his time in the Red Dons. Buy his books & records! They are the best.
Category Archives: Suspect Parts
News 1/26/08
Hello everyone and welcome to a new year. Although 2007 was great, we are really looking forward to what we have in store for 2008. First off, thanks to everyone who tuned-in to KSPU on December 24th to listen to us play live on Sound Judgment. If you didn’t get a chance to listen and would like to hear the show, we have our set posted on our Sounds page. Or, click here to listen to the show in its entirety which includes a very special reading by us & Arya of The Night Before Christmas.
If you haven’t already heard, there have been some changes to the regular line-up. Now with Justin focusing his attention on his new project Suspect Parts, Andy Foote from No Secrets Between Sailors has been playing with us until a permanent guitarist is found.
As for upcoming shows, we will be playing in the Portland area in February and March and this summer we are planning a long awaited U.S. tour with Peter Bonneman from Gorilla Angreb and the Estranged. If you can help us book a show in your town please let us know. We will post dates soon.
Thanks and once again here is the set from the Sound Judgment radio show.
Live on KPSU 12/24/07
[audio:01_KPSU_Sound_Judgement 12_17_07.mp3]